App Development

We are experts in app development, creating innovative and personalized solutions that drive the growth of your business in the digital world.

Applications development

At idooGROUP we design and develop custom native and hybrid mobile applications for iOS, Android and Windows Phone in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico.

Today the development of mobile applications for iOS / iPhone / iPad and Android are leading the smartphone application market, with more than 700 million people together who use these mobile devices and download their applications, since it is the way to direct communication with the different topics of your interest.

idooGROUP has a very professional team of experts in the development of applications and games for Android. and every day updating our equipment with recent technologies. We ensure quality design and development, we commit to our clients in the indicated completion times as well as making their costs more economical.

You will surely wonder, what is the difference between a mobile application and a web page?

Very simple, the website is on the Internet where you only have access through a computer, needing the internet service all the time, however with a mobile application or App as we Internet users call it, you have access to these from the application stores mobile phones you download to your device and in many cases it is not necessary to need the Internet service again to access the information in the App after downloading, with an App everything is more practical and simple for the user, access to your information is directly in your pocket and with a simple “TAP” you get what you are looking for from your service without having to access a computer, another advantage for businesses and the most important are Push Notifications which consists of sending a message to each one of the users who have downloaded your App, these notifications are a way to carry out direct marketing to people interested in your business, product or service, they are used most of the time to send promotions, discounts and specific information to your customers.

Adding in turn, the development of applications for Android grows very quickly because it has the great possibility that the Android Operating System can be installed on practically all types of devices, be they mobile phones, laptops and even microwaves, making it always present in the most mobile devices. powerful in the market, being an important bet for manufacturers and operators, which gives us to understand that the development of applications for Android increases considerably.

Regardless of the potential, range or features of the device, the Android operating system will be able to adapt perfectly to all types of needs in addition to being widely modifiable. In the same way as the development of video games for iOS, the development of video games for Android has a lot of potential due to its exponential growth in recent months.

You can take the opportunity to visit our blog and read our article on how you can make money with Mobile games.

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Why work with us?

Same time zone
Same time zone

Working with us means taking advantage of being in the same time zone. This ensures efficient communication and makes scheduling meetings and conferences easier.

High level talent
High level talent

Working with us means having access to high-level talent. Our team is made up of highly trained and experienced professionals in their respective areas.

Bilingual engineers
Bilingual engineers

Working with us gives you the advantage of having bilingual engineers. This skill allows us fluid and effective communication both in English and our local language.

10 years of experience in the sector
10 years of experience in the sector

Working with us means taking advantage of our 10 years of experience in the sector. Our extensive background has allowed us to provide reliable solutions adapted to the needs of the market.

Our experience

We put at your disposal the technology that seems impossible or difficult to understand, we do not allow you to be left behind in this world full of new computer systems that translate into new opportunities.

Active clients
fulfilled projects
Years of experience

Our services

With more than 10 years of experience innovating our clients in the sector of mobile application development, software and web page design, online stores, as well as web 2.0 applications for companies and businesses. With the ability to work remotely with our clients and be able to meet their expectations of quality, advice and support. We have clients in Spain, the United States and Mexico

We create customized software solutions that adapt perfectly to the needs of your business, enhancing its efficiency and productivity.


Custom software development

Custom software development

Expand your team with the support of our talented developers.


Extension of your development team

Extension of your development team
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