app programming ios8 iphone Mobile application development Software development tijuana web design Web development

Impresiones Tijuana, leading company in digital design and printing

At idooGROUP, we are pleased to recommend our clients, friends, and allies at Impresiones Tijuana, with whom we have collaborated on web design and development as well as SEO and positioning for their page. We are very happy and grateful for their excellent printing and graphic design service that has significantly improved our visibility and […]

Mobile application development

idooGROUP – Supporting children from the Educational Farm in the Camino Verde neighborhood with computers

Yesterday, we were invited to a very emotional event organized and held by the Rotary Club of Tijuana Aguacaliente at the Farm and Educational Center in the Camino Verde neighborhood. This place prepares underprivileged children from the entire locality for their elementary, middle, and high school graduation. Not only do they study academic subjects, but […]

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