Mobile application development app programming

Development of mobile applications for Windows Phone in Tijuana, Mexico

In recent times, cell phones with the Windows mobile operating system called Windows Phone (in its different versions, the last version released in 2012 was Windows Phone 8) and the development of mobile applications for Windows Phone have become important tools for All of us who focus on the development of mobile applications, including entrepreneurs, merchants, workers, as well as all Windows followers, that is, everyone in general uses phones and all their benefits to stay connected and informed, send messages, make calls and even to play in your free time, etc.

The development of mobile applications for Windows Phone is currently advancing considerably considering that it was one of the last operating systems to enter the world of mobile applications. Windows has more than 150,000 applications in its MarketPlace and close to 20 million users and growing every day. It has a great advantage since it does not have so many published applications.

This is a very broad market in which there is a lot of future and marketing is very effective because it goes directly to the phones of interested people and every day it expands much more.

idooGROUP has experts in the development of native and hybrid mobile applications for Windows Phone, Android and iPhone/iPad/iO, games, etc. This mobile platform is totally new that is starting and is in development, with a lot of capital invested by one of the largest companies in the world Microsoft Corporation, many other features are coming for this platform. We develop mobile applications providing all our experience, quality and professionalism.

Don’t wait any longer to impact your customers with the development of your mobile application for Windows Phone.

Diving in and exploiting the latest marketing technology and mobile applications to the fullest will position your company on another level. We invite you to share your project with us and quote with us for free.

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